Tunisian ceramic tiles

One can find a statement that the original culture and art is mainly a kettledrum of mixed Arabic, Cannanese and Sumerian influences. The most important and best known place of production of ceramic tiles is a port city in northern Tunisia.

What characterizes Tunisian tiles?

Such multiculturalism has an impact on the design and colouring of products made mostly by local craftsmen. Nabeul, which is the cradle of ceramics production, is a port city from which goods flowed to every corner of the world. Merchants and producers from all over Africa and beyond gathered there. Hence the rich design in the predominantly oriental colours, blue, green, yellow, orange and black.

Apart from tiles in particular shades, Tunisian tiles are famous for their patchwork patterns. The elements applied on the tiles create a harmonious whole, and releasing his fantasy, the designer is able to paint with the tiles a unique and unique image on any surface.

Patterns applied on Tunisian tiles are characterized by unprecedented care. Taking the tile in hand and looking at its execution one can see the great commitment and accuracy of the craftsman, often an artist.

How are Tunisian ceramic tiles produced?

It is worth mentioning that in many cases the craft workshops producing Tunisian ceramics are passed from father to son. Original production methods, techniques of applying patterns on tiles or ways of obtaining pigments are preserved.

The mass from which Tunisian tiles are made is a mixture of minerals selected by the craftsman, which over the years allow to make a durable product that meets the increasingly higher requirements of the customer.

Patterns on tiles available in our shop are applied on the tiles by serigraphy. This is a very old method of applying the ornament on the product surface. This method was invented by two Japanese. Yuzensai Miyasaki and Zisukeo Hirose. In later times this method was slightly modified and called silkscreen printing.

After the patterns are applied by hand to the tiles, the ceramics are glazed and fired. This allows to obtain a durable and durable material. This method of production, which combines tradition with modernity, allows for a target product of the highest quality and repeatability.

Where to use Tunisian tiles?

Walking through the streets of Tunisian cities and towns you can see rich design and colourful compositions almost everywhere. This is how the external facades are decorated, as well as the surfaces inside buildings. In our cultural space we are rather dealing with the application of tiles inside, although amazing and very spectacular results are achieved by placing such ceramics on terraces, arbours or other elements of small architecture outside the building.

On the walls of the bathroom or kitchen, the tiles placed in the places we want to mark out, will provide an amazing experience. These can be the area around the window, door, the wall plane by the kitchen worktop, highlighting the place of the mirror, or application of tiles around the fireplace.

We are limited only by good taste and imagination.

Tiles, not only Tunisian, can be found in the Cerames shop in different patterns and colours.

Date added: 14 July 2020
Author: Julietta Torbus
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